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Job platform

Our Strategy

Best Matches For Customer

Aleannlab proposed to host the customized app on the client’s server instead of keeping it as a third-party app because the third-party app platforms keep the app temporarily. Feedback option is integrated in an app to facilitate communication between employees and an employer.

Easy to fill up, easy to use up

Technology hasn't played a huge role in construction or recruitment so far. Here it becomes to life. That platform improved the hiring/job searching process and put efficiencies in place whilst making the process much more transparent. No matter whether you use a laptop or your smartphone.

Features of the Platform

    Time saving

    Direct hire cuts down the work on any end a lot. Once users do the contact they’ve passed the first bar.

    Cost efficiency

    The deal that is safe, and easy. The platform does the leg work and it’s not as expensive as headhunter would be.

    Quality candidates

    The platform is consistent in that users want to find the best choice. It's not just about sending someone. The platform wants to make sure it has everything that users looking for before candidates will be promoted.


    24/7 availability and 365 service back up.
Now both workers and employers can spend less time, money, and effort working with intermediaries and agencies because of direct and independent communication.

The Result

A robust web portal along with a strong admin panel facilitated the client to track and manage the activities of job seekers and employers. The customized solution with a holistic approach enabled the client to simplify complex business processes. The client could access the real-time data and the users could readily manage their tasks.